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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I Need Help With My Foot Fetish!

Cannot believe it’s already the end of July; goodness this summer has gone by in a blink. Soon it will be August and before you know it, fall will be in full swing.

Well I am beating autumn to the punch as I have been daydreaming about boots for a minute now and on the hunt for one boot in particular.

I spotted theses Rogeri boot from Forever21.com a little too late, just as the spring began. Of course they were completely sold out, especially given the price point. Ever since I have seen similar boots but not for the same price and I REFUSE to pay more knowing they exist somewhere for the cheap (Ya'll can feel me #recessionprogession). I am totally keeping my eyes peeled for the boots once again but now I am asking for help. Any suggestions on where I can get these boots from?
(Pics courtesy of Polyvore)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy Belated Anniversary Mom and Dad!

I realized I have not blogged in a month of Sunday’s (woopsie?), but how befitting that my first blog in months is of my Mom and Dad,  back in the day when they were dating.

This picture is one of my most treasured possessions. I love so many things about this photo: my Dad’s silly grin, my mom’s chic 70’s look, the fact that it’s a black and white photo. It had to be taken when my parents were around my age, how smitten they look.

Now 30 plus years later, two kids, grandbabies and more memories to count, my parents are still as in love now as they were then and my Dad still has a way of making my Mom laugh. I truly thank God for their union.

I know love because I come from love. Thanks Mom and Dad for the gift of truly unconditional love.

Love you both,