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Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Article on GLAAD.org!!!

Let me start off by screaming: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
I pray that you push yourself even harder than before this year and make all your dreams come true.  I know that is what I am going to do.

What a wonderful way to begin the new year with an email from GLAAD (The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) that they ran my article that I pitched and wrote on hip hop and homosexuality from Radio One's publication The Frequency.

This article was particularly challenging for me to write, for several reasons, so I have been so grateful for the people who have reached out and said they appreciated the article. Inspired by Frank Ocean outing himself, I ultimately hoped the article will help artists who are struggling with their sexuality in the entertainment world. I have wanted to write on the topic for awhile and I definitely plan on writing more on it in the future.

For now you can read the entire article here.

Tell me what you think of it on Twitter @LenoraTheScribe.